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Full-Day Bethlehem and Dead Sea tour
Duração 8 Hours
Full-Day Bethlehem and Dead Sea tour
País Holy Land
Full-Day Bethlehem and Dead Sea tour
Execuções Every Day

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Full-Day Bethlehem and Dead Sea Tour: A full blend of spiritual and natural wonders for you to enjoy! Go first to Bethlehem, where Jesus Christ was born, and continue your spiritual journey with places in the Church of the Nativity and some other vital religious significance sites. As part of a Holy Land day tour, you’ll experience the rich historical and religious heritage of Bethlehem, a pivotal site for Christians. You are then to head over to the Dead Sea, where you can float in their famous mineral-rich waters, which are quite therapeutic. History, faith, and a bit of relaxation in between—these two famous locations visited are bound to be unforgettable by themselves. Holy Land tours provide an exceptional opportunity to explore both the sacred and natural wonders of this region, leaving a lasting impact on all who visit.


Pick up at 07.30 from your hotel, and you will ride to Bethlehem to meet your guide from Next Holiday travel before heading to the Old City of Bethlehem. You will begin with a guided visit to the Church of the Nativity, as well as the Cave of St. Jerome (a visit to the Nativity Star is not always available). From there, you will continue walking to visit the Milk Grotto Church, where it is believed that the Holy Family found refuge from the Massacre of the Innocents before they could flee into Egypt. You will then ride to the City of the Shepherd’s, Bayt Sahur. Once you have arrived, you will take a guided visit to the Chapel of the Shepherd’s Field, the church where the angels first appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus Christ. You will then have the chance to visit an olive wood factory and see the artisans crafting the wooden sculptures, which is considered to be an important and old craft in Bethlehem. Next, you will ride through the wonderful Judean Desert to the lowest point on earth, where you will have the chance to stop and take pictures at the sea-level point in the desert overlooking the oldest city in the world, Jericho. You will then stop to have lunch. before continuing to the Dead Sea to enjoy the rest of the day either floating in the rich water or relaxing at the beach.


  • Pick up services from your hotel & return
  • All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle
  • Private English-speaking  guide
  • Entrance fees to all the mentioned sites
  • All taxes & service charge


  • Any extras not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Tipping



Jerusalem Day Tour

4 Hours

Jerusalem Day Tour

The Jerusalem Day Tour will take you places in the heart of the Holy City that you can see with all Christian, Jewish, and Muslim symbols. Must-sees: Western Wall, Church of The Holy Sepulchre The Dome of the rock Via Dolorosa Mount of Olives This tour will go deep into the city's glorious religious history


80$ Por pessoa

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Os documentos essenciais de viagem geralmente incluem um passaporte válido, vistos (se necessário), passagens aéreas, reservas de hotel, seguro de viagem e quaisquer cartões de identificação necessários. É sempre uma boa ideia fazer cópias desses documentos e armazená-los separadamente como backup.

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Ao visitar locais religiosos, como mesquitas ou templos, é importante vestir-se modestamente como forma de respeito. Homens e mulheres devem cobrir os ombros e os joelhos. Também é aconselhável que as mulheres levem um lenço para cobrir o cabelo, se necessário.

Os melhores meses para aproveitar os passeios pelo Oriente Médio são geralmente abril e maio, ou outubro e novembro, embora isso possa variar dependendo de onde você está viajando e o que deseja fazer. As temperaturas costumam ser agradáveis, em vez de extremamente quentes durante certas horas, embora as multidões possam ser grandes em algumas atrações.

O meio de transporte mais comum é de ônibus. Na ausência deste, você normalmente encontrará táxis compartilhados ou ônibus turísticos que fazem rotas para os principais pontos turísticos (como Petra, na Jordânia). Embora voar seja a forma mais rápida de viajar entre os destinos do Oriente Médio.

Se você deseja fazer um grande tour pelo Oriente Médio, deve planejar um roteiro de pelo menos 10 dias com pacotes para o Oriente Médio, para garantir tempo suficiente em cada país. Você também pode precisar de tempo extra para ir de um local a outro devido à segurança e aos cruzamentos de fronteira entre os países.
