Next Holiday

Things to do in Aswan

Aswan, a serene city arranged along the banks of the glorious Nile River, is an unexpected, yet invaluable treasure in Egypt's gold mine of marvels. It's where history, culture, and normal excellence merge, offering travelers a one-of-a-kind and peaceful experience in Egypt tours. At Next Holiday Travel, we welcome you to explore the charming city of Aswan and find its most famous activities, from old temples to stream travel and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Visit the Temple of Philae

Our excursion through Aswan starts with a visit to the Temple of Philae, a consecrated site devoted to the goddess Isis. Settled on the island of Agilkia, this Temple complex was moved from its unique area on Philae Island because of the development of the Aswan High Dam. It's a nice tour to start your Egypt travel packages.

As you reach the Temple with our Egypt Nile Cruise Tours, the shocking Ptolemaic engineering and the impression of the sanctuary-free waters of the Nile make a dazzling sight. Explore the complex pictographs, wonder about the corridors, and take in the quiet environment that encompasses this old safe haven during your Aswan day tours.

Explore the Unfinished Obelisk

Unfinished Obelisk

Aswan is eminent for its rock quarries, which provide the stone for the vast majority of Egypt's great landmarks. Quite possibly one of the most fascinating sites in Egypt luxury tours is the Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan, a monstrous stone monolith that was passed on incompletely because of a break in the stone. It offers an entrancing look into the procedures utilized by old Egyptian stone skilled workers.

Strolling around the Unfinished Obelisk during Egypt classic tours, you'll see the value in the size of the work attempted by these craftsmen and gain knowledge into the cycles engaged with quarrying and molding the titanic monoliths that decorated temples and urban communities.

Felucca Ride on the Nile of Aswan

To genuinely encounter the appeal of Aswan, set out on a felucca ride on the Nile Waterway. These conventional wooden boats have utilized the waters of the Nile for quite a long time full of experience in Egypt Nile Cruise Travel Packages, and a relaxed sail offers a serene getaway from the rushing about of present-day life.

As you float along the Nile's quiet waters, you'll be encircled by stunning perspectives on the riverbanks, Nubian towns, and the brilliant sands of the desert past. It's an amazing chance to loosen up, absorb the regular magnificence, and interface with the ageless progression of the Nile and spend a romantic time with your partner on Egypt Honeymoon tours.

Enjoy the Nubian Village

Nubian Village

Only south of Aswan, you'll track down Nubian towns that offer a one-of-a-kind social encounter. Nubia has a rich legacy, particularly of Egypt, and a visit to these towns permits you to explore with your family the Nubian customs, workmanship, and cooking in Egypt family tours.

Communicate with the well-disposed local people, find out about their set of experiences, and explore their dynamic homes embellished with vivid wall paintings. Try not to pass up on the potential chance to enjoy conventional Nubian dishes and drinks, like hibiscus tea during your Egypt day tours.

Aswan High Dam

The Aswan High Dam, a great design accomplishment, critically impacted Egypt's cutting-edge history. Worked during the 1960s, the dam controls the progression of the Nile, forestalling flooding and giving a steady water supply to the water system and power age. In addition to being an important tourist attraction for travelers, think about joining our Philae Temple and High Dam day tour and booking your seat.

Visiting the dam permits you to see the value in its gigantic scope and the Lake Nasser supply it made, one of the world's biggest manmade lakes in the Middle East Destinations. The nearby Nubian Museum offers further bits of knowledge about the set of experiences and culture of the Nubian public impacted by the dam's development.

Sail to Elephantine Island

Enormous Island, situated in the Nile River you can visit it in our 8-day classic package to Aswan, Luxor, and Cairo, is saturated with history and offers a brief look into Aswan's old past. The island is home to a few archeological locales, including the old town of Yebu, the Temple of Khnum, and the Nilometer, an old gadget used to quantify the Nile's water level.

Meandering through the limited roads of the island, you'll experience conventional Nubian houses, rich gardens, and enrapturing perspectives on the waterway in our Nubian Village tour. It's a tranquil and socially rich objective inside Aswan.

Visit the Tombs of the Nobles

The Tombs of the Nobles, situated on the west bank of the Nile, give an intriguing exploration of the existence of old Egyptian authorities and dignitaries. These stone-cut burial chambers are enhanced with brilliant canvases and symbolic representations that portray scenes from day-to-day existence, interesting ceremonies, and the great beyond.

Exploring the burial chambers permits you to associate with the people who assumed significant parts of old Egypt's administration and society. The scenes on the burial place walls offer experiences of their convictions and desires.

Aga Khan Mausoleum

Aga Khan

Roosted on the west bank of the Nile, the Aga Khan Catacomb is a tranquil and rich design that stands as a recognition of Aga Khan III, the profound head of the Ismaili Muslims. The sepulcher's white marble and complex plan give a conspicuous difference to the desert scene. You can join our 6-day classic tours in Aswan, Luxor, and Cairo to enjoy the Aga Khan Mausoleum and other attractions.

Visiting this quiet remembrance offers a serene second for reflection and a valuable chance to see the value in the structural magnificence of the sepulcher and its all-encompassing perspectives on the Nile.

Shopping in Aswan Souks

Discovering the clamoring souks (markets) of Aswan is a great method for drenching yourself in the city's way of life. You'll track down different nearby items, including bright Nubian makes, flavors, gems, materials, and fragrances.

Bartering is a typical practice in Aswan's souks, so make it a point to at the best costs. It's likewise an opportunity to cooperate with well-disposed retailers and look into the neighborhood items and customs.

Visit the Monastery of St. Simeon

The Religious Community of St. Simeon, situated on the west bank of the Nile, is a verifiable site that offers a brief look into early Christian Egypt. It was once a flourishing religious community however fell into decline and was deserted in the thirteenth hundred years.

Exploring the very much-saved vestiges of the cloister during your Aswan excursions permits you to see the value in its structural magnificence and the isolation of its desert environmental factors. It's a position of reflection and verifiable importance.

Plan to visit Aswan with the Next Holiday

The fact that invites exploration and revelation makes Aswan, with its rich history, normal magnificence, and social legacy, an objective. From the old temples of Philae to tranquil felucca rides on the Nile, and from social experiences in Nubian towns to the cutting-edge wonder of the Aswan High Dam, this city offers a different scope of encounters.

At Next Holiday Travel, we accept that Aswan's novel appeal and serene vibe make it an ideal location for explorers looking for a mix of history, culture, and normal magnificence. As you discover the sanctuaries, burial places, and scenes of Aswan, you'll come to see the value in the city's ageless appeal and its persevering through association with Egypt's rich past.

The budget for a trip can vary greatly depending on the destination, duration, accommodation choices, activities, and personal preferences. Researching average costs, including accommodation, transportation, meals, and attractions, will help you estimate your budget more accurately.

The essential travel documents usually include a valid passport, visas (if required), airline tickets, hotel reservations, travel insurance, and any necessary identification cards. It's always a good idea to make copies of these documents and store them separately as a backup.

Egypt is famous for its ancient historical sites. Some of the must-visit attractions include the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, Valley of the Kings, Abu Simbel, and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

The best time to visit Egypt is during the cooler months of October to April when temperatures are more comfortable for exploring the historical sites. However, if you're interested in diving in the Red Sea, the summer months offer warm waters and excellent visibility.

When visiting religious sites such as mosques or temples, it's important to dress modestly out of respect. Both men and women should have their shoulders and knees covered. It's also advisable for women to carry a scarf to cover their hair if needed.

The best months to enjoy the Middle East tours are generally April and May, or October and November, however this can vary depending on where you're traveling and what you want to do. Temperatures are normally pleasant rather than extremely hot during certain hours, though crowds may be strong at some attractions.

The most prevalent mode of transportation is by bus. In the absence of this, you'll typically find shared taxis or tourist buses running routes to major sights (such as Petra in Jordan). While flying is the shortest way to travel between Middle Eastern destinations.

If you wish to take a big tour of the Middle East, you should plan at least a 10-day itinerary of Middle East Packages to allow ample time in each country. You may also need to allow extra time to go from one location to another due to security and border crossings between countries.

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