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Athens, the Greek capital, is a wonderful city where ancient history meets vibrant modernity, providing an enthralling stop for travelers from all backgrounds. Being the cradle of democracy and philosophy, the Acropolis, Parthenon, and Temple of Olympian Zeus represent mere glimpses into the splendor of ancient Greek civilization that Athens offers, truly putting the city onto the map. But Athens is much more than that. Bustling neighborhoods like Plaka are packed with quaint cafes, busy marketplaces, and eccentric street art that merges old-world charm with new-age culture. So whether wandering amid ancient sites, feasting on delicious Greek delicacies, or celebrating in the dynamic atmosphere of the city, there is plenty for every type of traveler. Hence, Athens is one of the destinations that you can never do without on a Greece travel package.

Top Attractions in Athens: Must-See Landmarks and Historical Sites

The Acropolis: The grandest jewel in the city of Athens, the Acropolis is host to many ancient buildings, notably the Parthenon. The view of the city from the ancient citadel is breathtaking and reveals the former greatness of ancient Greece.

Parthenon: The most famous temple of Athena is the Parthenon. It stands as a striking monument to ancient Greek civilization and architectural brilliance. If you are passionate about history, then a visit to the Parthenon is a must in your life.

Temple of Olympian Zeus: Once upon a time, one of the largest temples in the ancient world, the Temple of Olympian Zeus is a glorious site with Corinthian columns that loom large before you, with few still existing today.

Ancient Agora: This historic marketplace was the very heart of Athenian public life, where philosophers such as Socrates congregated; it boasts ruins such as the Temple of Hephaestus and the Stoa of Attalos.

Acropolis Museum: A newer museum built on the slopes of Acropolis exhibits some of the greatest artifacts and sculptures from the Acropolis; this provides visitors with a better perception of the history and significance of the ancient site.

The National Archaeological Museum is one of the largest and most significant archaeological museums in Greece and displays a broad range of objects from ancient Greek civilizations, including sculptures, pottery, and jewelry.

Syntagma Square represents the political heart of modern-day Athens, housing the Building of Greek Parliament. The ceremonial changing of the guards held at the tomb of the unknown soldier remains one of its famous traditions.

Mount Lycabettus: To witness beautiful panoramic views over the city, go to the top of Mount Lycabettus via the funicular or by foot. From here, you can lay your eyes on the Acropolis, the Aegean Sea, and the sprawling city below.

Hadrian’s Arch denotes the boundary between ancient Athens and the Roman city; designed in honor of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, it stands today as a striking example of Roman architecture in Athens.

The Temple of Athena Nike is a smaller but no less glorious temple sited on the Acropolis, dedicated to those goddesses of victory, Athena and Nike, characterized by its beauty of Ionic architecture and breathtaking views.

The Best Museums in Athens: An Exploration of Greek History and Art

The Acropolis Museum: Located at the foot of the Acropolis, this new museum exhibits priceless artifacts and sculptures from the Acropolis site. Among those are the original statues from the Parthenon and its alleged famous Elgin Marbles, alongside many other ancient artifacts, which provide a context for the lives of those who had ever lived in Athens centuries ago.

National Archaeological Museum: Archaeological museums are among the largest and most prestigious in Greece; hence, they have considerable collections of ancient Greek art and artifacts, such as sculptures, pottery, and jewelry. The ageless treasures in the museum's collection include the Mask of Agamemnon, the Antikythera Mechanism, and innumerable statues from the classical age.

Benaki Museum: A rich scope of Greek art and historical artifacts covering everything from ancient Greek and Roman to the modern era. Its significant collections of Byzantine and Islamic art as well as the 20th-century history of Greece truly encompass the artistic development of Greece. 

Museum of Cycladic Art: This museum, concerned with the ancient civilizations of the Cycladic Islands, exhibits traditional minimalistic sculptures from the Cycladic people in addition to pottery, jewelry, and other artifacts from the Bronze Age. This collection sheds light on one of the most enigmatic ancient cultures of Greece.

Byzantine and Christian Museum: The museum is home to art and history of the Byzantine Empire and Christian Greece. It hosts an impressive collection of icons, mosaics, and artifacts that together allow for a deeper understanding of Greece's Christian tradition and their artistic evolution.

Jewish Museum of Greece: In the very center of Athens, a resonating homage is paid to the Jewish community of Greece through this museum dedicated to exhibitions and displays of the history, culture, and contributions of Jews in this area—from historical documents to photographs and ordinary objects.

National Gallery: A magnificent vault of Greek and European art, the National Gallery features works by illustrious hands such as El Greco, Pablo Picasso, and Konstantinos Parthenis. It constitutes a must-visit for every lover of modern and contemporary Greek and European art.

Goulandris Museum of Modern Art: A museum featuring modern and contemporary art that keeps a wide range of collections of works by Greek and international artists and provides a different perspective on the development of art from the late nineteenth century to present.

Numismatic Museum: Housed in what used to belong to an affluent aristocrat, the museum boasts one of the most comprehensive coin collections in the world. Much of the function of coins in ancient Greece is learned, along with a timeline of economic history over the ages.

The Hellenic Motor Museum: Taking it a notch higher, the Hellenic Motor Museum offers a display of vintage cars and motorcycles showcasing automobile design and innovation history from early models to modern luxury cars.

The Best of Athens for Families with Children

The Acropolis and Acropolis Museum: Yes, the ancient ruins feel like they are geared more towards adult interest. Children have their fair share of fun because they get to explore the Parthenon and let their imaginations roam free with all the ancient myths attached to that place. Next stop is the Acropolis Museum, where the fun and interactive exhibits and child-friendly tours together do their best to bring history to life.

Attica Zoological Park: Attica Zoo is a little way out of town and keeps animals from over 200 species all over the world, such as lions, giraffes, and dolphins. It's a good opportunity for kids to see first-hand the exotic world of wildlife and learn about conservation endeavors.

National Garden of Athens: The National Gardens, a green haven in the middle of the city, is an ideal place for a family walk. It has playgrounds, a small zoo, and charming little ponds with ducks and swans for children. 

Planetarium and Eugenides Foundation: Designed for both fun and education, the Athens Planetarium provides children and adults with interactive exhibitions and immersive outer space shows. A wonderful place to ignite curiosity about the universe. 

Allou! Fun Park: For the thrill-seeking family, Allou! Fun Park is the largest amusement park in Athens, complete with roller coasters, go-karts, bumper cars, and carnival games—a fun day that will leave the kids absolutely shattered come bedtime.

Hellenic Children's Museum: The museum is especially made for children. It consists of hands-on exhibits for kids to play and learn. The interactive exhibits are all about science, art, and everyday life; therefore, it is a good place for inquisitive minds.

Benaki Museum of Greek Culture: The nature of the institution is that of a museum, but the Benaki organizes specialized programs and interactive activities for children. The exhibits revolve around Greece's culture and history, and many of them are designed to attract the attention of younger audiences.

Athens Riviera Beaches: Try some beach therapy along the coast of the Athens Riviera if you feel like lying back some. Vouliagmeni Beach and Varkiza Beach are family-friendly beaches. Calm waters are great for swimming, sunbeds are in excess, and kids can run around freely.

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC): This cultural center is new and includes an exterior park, a large playground, and an artificial lake that rents out small boats. The National Library and the Greek National Opera are also housed here, offering cultural experiences for all ages.

Wandering About Plaka: This pretty area, holding narrow streets, colored houses, and cafes, is a perfect place for families to wander about and explore. Children will love shops selling souvenirs, and the whole family can enjoy some lovely Greek ice cream or some traditional snacks.

An exciting amalgamation of antiquity and modern life, Athens is one of the most thrilling places a traveler of any age can visit. Whether you are among those who visit the major sites—the Acropolis and Parthenon—or take your family to museums, parks, and beaches, Athens has something for all. Under the skies of Athens, experiences await all: foodies, history lovers, and anyone wishing to spend some delightful hours with family. A Greece tour gives you a chance to uncover more mesmerizing islands, ancient ruins, and glimmering cultures of Greece. Due to this evolution of cultural heritage, vibrant existence, and hospitable people, by the end of it all, Athens will be a precious memory etched in your heart.


Excursão de 5 dias para Atenas e Mykonos

5 dias

Excursão de 5 dias para Atenas e Mykonos

O tour de 5 dias combina a história de Atenas e o relaxamento de Mykonos. Em Atenas, explore pontos turísticos como a Acrópole, o Partenon e a antiga Ágora. Em seguida, na ilha de Mykonos, desfrute das paisagens impressionantes e das praias de areia relaxantes. Passeie pelas encantadoras ruas de paralelepípedos, saboreie iguarias locais e relaxe à beira do Mar Egeu. A experiência mistura cultura e lazer, perfeita para quem deseja um pouco de história, cultura e diversão.


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Excursão de 7 dias para Atenas, Naxos e Santorini

7 Dias

Excursão de 7 dias para Atenas, Naxos e Santorini

Faça o tour de 7 dias pela Grécia, que abrange algumas de suas cidades mais icônicas: Atenas, Naxos e Santorini. Veja as antigas ruínas da Acrópole em Atenas, depois aproveite as deslumbrantes praias de Naxos e os pôr do sol acompanhados das casas caiadas de Santorini. Este tour combina história, cultura e natureza, proporcionando uma excelente escapada pela Grécia.


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Excursão de 4 dias pelas ilhas gregas a partir de Atenas

4 dias

Excursão de 4 dias pelas ilhas gregas a partir de Atenas

Explore a Grécia nesta excursão que inclui Atenas e as ilhas místicas de Hydra, Poros e Egina. Explore os sites históricos de Atenas e, em seguida, as ruas sem carros de Hydra, as paisagens exuberantes de Poros e os antigos templos e deliciosos pistaches de Egina. Esta viagem de férias oferece a combinação perfeita de cultura, história e natureza!


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5 dias em Atenas e Santorini

5 dias

5 dias em Atenas e Santorini

Esta viagem de 5 dias a Atenas e Santorini destaca o melhor que a Grécia tem a oferecer. Desde apreciar os pontos icônicos de Atenas, como a Acrópole e o Partenon, até relaxar nas belas praias e charmosas ruas de Santorini, com seus deslumbrantes pores do sol e casas caiadas de branco em meio às águas turquesa, este é um feriado que combina de maneira perfeita história, cultura e a beleza da natureza.


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Tour Clássico da Grécia em 7 dias

7 dias

Tour Clássico da Grécia em 7 dias

O Tour Clássico da Grécia de 7 dias é uma combinação perfeita de tudo o que é magnífico relacionado à história antiga da Grécia e sua linda paisagem. Veja os Jogos Olímpicos; locais famosos em Delfos, Atenas e o Canal de Corinto; Micenas; Nafplion; a encantadora cidade de Kalambaka, onde estão situados os exquisitos mosteiros de Meteora. A Grécia é repleta de maravilhas culturais que datam desde a antiguidade até o presente.


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Excursão de 14 dias para a Grécia e o Egito

14 dias

Excursão de 14 dias para a Grécia e o Egito

Um tour de 14 dias pela Grécia e Egito combina história antiga com culturas modernas e paisagens deslumbrantes. Normalmente, o tour começa na Grécia, com a Acrópole em Atenas e, em seguida, nas belas ilhas Cíclades, como Santorini ou Mykonos. A partir daí, a viagem começa a deslumbrante exploração do Egito, desde as imponentes pirâmides de Gizé até a Esfinge e os templos de Luxor e Aswan. A viagem é uma rica tapeçaria que combina sítios históricos antigos, costumes locais e esplendor natural.


0$ Por pessoa

O orçamento para uma viagem pode variar bastante dependendo do destino, duração, opções de acomodação, atividades e preferências pessoais. Pesquisar os custos médios, incluindo acomodação, transporte, refeições e atrações, ajudará a estimar seu orçamento de forma mais precisa.

Os documentos essenciais de viagem geralmente incluem um passaporte válido, vistos (se necessário), passagens aéreas, reservas de hotel, seguro de viagem e quaisquer cartões de identificação necessários. É sempre uma boa ideia fazer cópias desses documentos e armazená-los separadamente como backup.

O Egito é famoso por seus antigos sítios históricos. Algumas das atrações imperdíveis incluem as Pirâmides de Gizé, a Esfinge, o Templo de Luxor, o Templo de Karnak, o Vale dos Reis, Abu Simbel e o Museu Egípcio no Cairo.

A melhor época para visitar o Egito é durante os meses mais frios, de outubro a abril, quando as temperaturas são mais amenas para explorar os sítios históricos. No entanto, se você estiver interessado em mergulhar no Mar Vermelho, os meses de verão oferecem águas quentes e excelente visibilidade.

Ao visitar locais religiosos, como mesquitas ou templos, é importante vestir-se modestamente como forma de respeito. Homens e mulheres devem cobrir os ombros e os joelhos. Também é aconselhável que as mulheres levem um lenço para cobrir o cabelo, se necessário.

Os melhores meses para aproveitar os passeios pelo Oriente Médio são geralmente abril e maio, ou outubro e novembro, embora isso possa variar dependendo de onde você está viajando e o que deseja fazer. As temperaturas costumam ser agradáveis, em vez de extremamente quentes durante certas horas, embora as multidões possam ser grandes em algumas atrações.

O meio de transporte mais comum é de ônibus. Na ausência deste, você normalmente encontrará táxis compartilhados ou ônibus turísticos que fazem rotas para os principais pontos turísticos (como Petra, na Jordânia). Embora voar seja a forma mais rápida de viajar entre os destinos do Oriente Médio.

Se você deseja fazer um grande tour pelo Oriente Médio, deve planejar um roteiro de pelo menos 10 dias com pacotes para o Oriente Médio, para garantir tempo suficiente em cada país. Você também pode precisar de tempo extra para ir de um local a outro devido à segurança e aos cruzamentos de fronteira entre os países.